The Facts About Cannabis Reform

  • • Nearly 8 of 10 Iowans want a stronger medical cannabis program.

    • 70% of Iowans under 35 support recreational cannabis and a state’s treatment of cannabis influences where they choose to live.

    • 56% of Iowans Democrats and Republicans bet— between 35- and 54-years old support cannabis reform. [1]

  • • 61% of rural voters in swing states support cannabis reform. [2]

  • • Cannabis sales have generated $10 billion dollars nationally in taxes. Illinois alone earned $200 million last year!

    • In Iowa reform would generate $50 million annually in new state revenue.

    • Under current laws, Iowa generates zero tax revenue while our neighbors receive millions from Iowans who cross the river to purchase. [3]

  • • CNN reports, after reviewing market research on cannabis, only a 21% difference between Democrats and Republicans. [4]

    • More than half of all Americans live in states where cannabis is legal. Thirty-nine states are reaping the benefits of better medical care, higher tax revenues, less crowded courts and other benefits that follow reform.

    • 63% of Republicans under 30 support legalization.

    • As do 60% of Republicans who identify as moderates or libertarian.

    • Even the Koch brothers support reform! [5]

  • • Enforcing simple possession drains limited resources away from serious crimes, including methamphetamine and gun violence.

    • In some Iowa counties, one of every five arrests is for possession of small amount; filling jails, jamming courts – all over nonviolent conduct that’s legal in most.

  • • Today, cannabis is legal or decriminalized in 39 states, yet millions of Americans remain incarcerated or have served harsh sentences that limit civil liberties and life opportunities. Upon release, the collateral consequences associated with a cannabis conviction restrict access to professional licensing, exclude individuals from government benefits and, in some cases, prevent them from applying for housing.

  • • At a time when Iowa is searching for workers, cannabis screenings eliminate applicants from consideration and leave Iowa employers unable to find workers. [8] [9]


The arguments in favor of sensible cannabis laws are overwhelming.  But our political leadership refuses to listen or consider reform.


Or …

They understand the popularity among all Iowans and are fighting like hell to silence your voice. 

Join the Campaign for Sensible Cannabis laws!

[1] [2] YOUGOVBLUE survey of 2149 rural voters for Rural Objective PAC completed May 2021 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
